RFP KGHM-P-JGKP-MP-09-2024 Modernizacja wyposażenia elektrycznego Komory Napraw Wozów T-56 oraz Zajezdni elektrowozów poz. -1000m SW-1 rejon GG-5

Data publikacji
Termin składania ofert
ID ogłoszenia
Kategoria produktu
Dear Sir/Madam This inquiry refers to the task that is physically performed in Poland. Does your company has the possibility of performing the service and deliver requested equipment in Poland as “turnkey project”? The only possible way to access tender specification and SOW is to register in KGHM SAP Ariba Platform. To do this you must click the link below which will guide you through the registration process: https://kghm.com/en/tenders/supplier-registration Please let us know when you are done with registration so we could add your company to the RFP. Documentation for this specific procedure is available in Polish only.
Monika Przeniosło
Numer telefonu kupca
(+48) 76 747 87 60
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