Results for Q1 2020

Higher payable copper production by the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group (+1%, 174 thousand tonnes), higher silver production (+3%, 335 tonnes) and 25% higher profit by the KGHM Group in the first quarter of 2020 compared to Q1 2019

The consolidated net profit of KGHM of PLN 690 million is one of the highest in recent quarters. The KGHM Group recorded lower revenues (-3%, PLN 5 299 million) and EBITDA (-22%, PLN 1 129 million) with a higher profit for the period (+25%, PLN 690 million).


Wyniki Grupy za 2019 rok

Rekordowa produkcja i wyższe przychody KGHM mimo niesprzyjających warunków

Wyższa produkcja miedzi płatnej (+11 proc.), rekordowa produkcja srebra (+18 proc.), wyższe o 11 proc. przychody Grupy Kapitałowej, o 5 proc. wyższa EBITDA oraz uruchomienie nowych inwestycji w oddziałach. Tak Grupa Kapitałowa KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. zamyka 2019 rok. Firma konsekwentnie realizuje strategię i ze stabilną sytuacją finansową wkroczyła w 2020 rok.


Results for 2019

Higher payable copper production (+11 percent to 702 thousand tonnes), record silver production (+18 percent, 1 417 tonnes), higher Group revenues by 11 percent, 5 percent higher EBITDA and the initiation of new investments in the Divisions, with consistent advancement of the strategy.


Results for Q3 2019

KGHM with higher production, rising EBITDA and net profit

KGHM in the first 9 months of 2019 recorded higher copper production of 530 thousand tonnes, or 14 percent higher than in the first 9 months of 2018. Sierra Gorda in Chile also recorded higher production, by 16 percent. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. earned a net profit 71 percent higher than in the corresponding period of 2018 despite unfavourable macroeconomic conditions! Net profit in the first three quarters rose to PLN 1 666 million.
