The Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź Spółka Akcyjna, with its registered head office in Lubin, and its address at ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 48, entered on 29 June 2001 to the Companies Register of the National Court of Registrations by the Regional Court for Wrocław Fabryczna, Sec. IX (Economic) of the National Court of Registrations under the number KRS 0000023302, acting in accordance with art. 395 §§ 1,2,5 and 399 § 1 of the Commercial Partnerships and Companies Code, as well as on § 22 sec. 2 and § 23 sec. 2 of the Company Statutes, hereby announces the convening of an Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., which will take place on 30 May 2007, beginning at 11 AM at the head office of the Company in Lubin, at the address ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 48 (in Wyżykowski Hall), with the following agenda, acting on the request of the Minister of the State Treasury representing the State Treasury as a shareholder, in accordance with art. 400 § 1 of the Commercial Partnerships and Companies Code, respecting the insertion of point 14 into the agenda:
1) Opening of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting.
2) Election of the Chairman of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting.
3) Verification of the legality of convening the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting and its authority to pass resolutions.
4) Acceptance of the Agenda.
5) Review of the Report of the Management Board on the Activities of the Company in financial year 2006 and the Financial Statements of the Company for financial year 2006.
6) Review of the proposal of the Management Board concerning the distribution of Company profit for financial year 2006.
7) Review of the Supervisory Board Report on its evaluation of the Report of the Management Board on the Activities of the Company in financial year 2006, the Financial Statements of the Company for financial year 2006 and the proposal of the Management Board concerning the distribution of Company profit for financial year 2006.
8) Passage of Resolutions:
a on confirmation of the Report of the Management Board on the Activities of the Company in financial year 2006,
b on confirmation of the Financial Statements of the Company for financial year 2006,
c on the distribution of Company profit for the financial year 2006 and on setting the right to dividend date and the dividend payment date.
9) Passage of Resolutions:
a acknowledging that the members of the Management Board fulfilled their duties in a proper manner in financial year 2006,
b acknowledging that the members of the Supervisory Board fulfilled their duties in a proper manner in financial year 2006.
10) Review of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group for financial year 2006 and of the Report of the Management Board on the Activities of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group in financial year 2006.
11) Review of the Supervisory Board Report on its evaluation of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group for financial year 2006 and of the Report of the Management Board on the Activities of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group in financial year 2006.
12) Passage of Resolutions:
a on confirmation of the Report of the Management Board on the Activities of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group in financial year 2006,
b on confirmation of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group for financial year 2006.
13) Passage of a Resolution on acceptance by the General Shareholders Meeting of the Declaration by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. with its registered head office in Lubin of the application of corporate governance principles by the Company.
14) Changes in the number of members and composition of the Supervisory Board.
15) Conclusion of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting.
The Board of Management also wishes to announce that, in accordance with article 9 sec. 3 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on trading in financial instruments (Journal of Laws, Nr 183, item 1538 with subsequent amendments), participation in the General Shareholders Meeting is contingent upon the depositing of a registered deposit certificate no later than one week prior to the sitting of the General Shareholders Meeting, i.e. by 3.30 PM on 22 May 2007 to the head office of the Company in Lubin, at the address ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 48, 59-301, Organisational Department, 2nd floor, Room 213, and its surrender until the conclusion of the General Shareholders Meeting.
The registered deposit certificate, which must be submitted to the Company prior to the General Shareholders Meeting, should include a statement declaring that it was issued for the purpose of depositing in the Company prior to the General Shareholders Meeting, and that from the moment of its issue the appropriate number of shares which it represents have been blocked on the securities account until the conclusion of the General Shareholders Meeting.
The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the General Shareholders Meeting will be available at the head office of the Company for a period of three (3) days prior to the General Shareholders Meeting.
Shareholders may participate in the General Shareholders Meeting and exercise their voting right either in person or through a proxy. The proxy document should be granted in writing, being otherwise subject to invalidity, with either the original or an authorised copy thereof being submitted to the Company.
A proxy submitted by a foreign entity granted in a foreign language should be accompanied by a translation into Polish done by a sworn translator.
Neither members of the Management Board nor employees of the Company may be proxies at the General Shareholders Meeting.
Authorised copies of the proxy mentioned above should be certified by a notary or a legal counsel or an advocate. Please be informed that, in accordance with art. 421 § 3 of the Commercial Partnerships and Companies Code, both the proxy documents submitted by a shareholder and the authorised copies of the same are attached to the protocol and are not subject to return.
Representatives of domestic or foreign legal entities should present current, authorised copies from appropriate court or other registration documents, listing those persons entitled to represent said entities.
Persons not listed in the above-mentioned documents should present appropriate proxy authorization, signed by those persons listed in the authorized copies being entitled to represent the given entity.
The registration of shareholders will take place an hour before the beginning of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting.
Legal basis: §39, Sec. 1 point 1 of the Decree of the Minister of Finance dated October 19, 2005, regarding current and periodic information disclosed by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws from 2005 Nr 209, item 1744).
(Translation from the original Polish version. In the event of differences resulting from the translation, reference should be made to the official Polish version.)