Individual Investors Day
In September 2022, following a pandemic-induced break, the Investor Relations Department, in concert with the Individual Investors Association, organised an Individual Investors Day.
Janusz Krystosiak, Investor Relations Department Director and IRO: We were delighted to be able to invite and host individual investors. This type of event is perfectly in line with KGHM’s policy of ongoing communication with the capital market.
The opinions of various stakeholders are exceptionally important for us. Thanks to the meetings held during Individual Investors Day we have a chance to enhance our relations with this community, and at the same time to gain access to feedback on how KGHM is perceived.
- Andrzej Kensbok, Vice President of the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
The invited guests visited the mines, toured the Precious Metals Plant at the Głogów Copper Smelter and Refinery and saw the Żelazny Most Tailngs Storage Facility with its new Southern Quarter. This was followed by a panel discussion by senior management at the Head Office of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Areas such as finances, strategy, production and the macroeconomic situation were discussed.