As a socially responsible company, KGHM wants to have a positive impact on its environment and support the development of valuable initiatives in many areas of social life, in particular culture, sport and science. Such activities bring benefits not only to KGHM, but also to its important stakeholders.
KGHM places emphasis on the presence of the KGHM brand at prestigious national or international events. These are addressed to the key groups in terms of creating KGHM's image.
For KGHM, which treats social responsibility and sustainable development as important priorities in its development strategy, supporting valuable projects is an expression of care for the development of the group of its stakeholders and concern for the well-understood social interest of the environment in which it operates.
In order to ensure the transparency of decisions concerning the support of a given project, offers are analysed by the Sponsorship Committee. The Committee's decisions are documented in the form of minutes, which are approved by the President of the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The activities of the KGHM Group with respect to sponsoring are subject to regulations set forth in the Sponsorship Policy of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and to the opinion of the Sponsorship Committee.