The Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. announces that on 6 June 2005 a change in share capital was registered by the Regional Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, Section IX (Economic) of the National Court of registrations for the company INOVA Centrum Innowacji Technicznych Sp. z o.o. (an indirect subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.). The share capital was increased by PLN 2 750.0 thousand through the creation of 2 750 shares having a nominal value of PLN 1000 per share. The newly-created shares were acquired by Dolnośląska Spółka Inwestycyjna S.A. (a subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.).
These shares were covered by:
- cash in the amount of PLN 1 250.0 thousand (1 250 shares),
- a contribution in kind in the form of debtors due to DSI S.A., arising from a repayable payment to equity, in the amount of PLN 1 500.0 thousand (1 500 shares). The carrying value of these debtors is PLN 1 500. 0 thousand.
These shares were acquired at their nominal value.
The carrying value of the acquired assets in the accounts of DSI S.A. amounts to PLN 2 750.0 thousand.
The acquisition of these assets was financed by the internal funds of DSI S.A.
The assets acquired are of a long term, equity investment nature.
The share capital of INOVA Centrum Innowacji Technicznych Sp. z o.o.
After registration of this change in share capital, Dolnośląska Spółka Inwestycyjna S.A. owns 6 600 shares, representing 100% of the share capital of INOVA Centrum Innowacji Technicznych Sp. z o.o. and granting the right to the same number of votes at the General Shareholders Meeting.
The total number of votes arising from all issued shares after regsitration of this change in share capital is 6 600.
The criteria used for describing the assets as significant is that the financial assets acquired by DSI S.A. represent over 20% of the share capital of INOVA Centrum Innowacji Technicznych Sp. z o.o.
after registration amounts to PLN 6 600.0 thousand and is divided into 6 600 shares of PLN 1000 each.