Achievement of a stable and harmonious development of the region focusing on improving the quality of life of the current population and the next generations are the main goals of the Agreement of Głogów County and KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The Agreement was signed on behalf of KGHM by President Herbert Wirth and Vice-president Dorota Włoch and on behalf of Głogów County by the head of the county Rafael Rokaszewicz and deputy head of the county Grzegorz Aryż.
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. has for years been a business leader stabilising the development of the region and social situation of its population. The company has executed a number of projects and investment over the years, which have had a real impact on improving the natural environment and increasing the safety and quality of life of the residents and their families. This is a direction which will be continued by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and this Agreement is one of its indications.
- Conducting the activity on such a large scale, the company is aware of its material impact on the life of the population and natural environment. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. wants to continue growing and undertake various investments which would benefit the entire Region – explained Vice-president of the Management Board of KGHM, Ms Dorota Włoch. – It is of key importance for the company that this development takes place with the minimum negative impact on the life of the residents and natural environment. Therefore, it has to be planned strategically and with due consideration of natural resources, quality of life of both the present population of the Region and the next generations as well.
Głogów County has observed many changes throughout its history. Recently, it has been witnessing an economic growth and improvement in the quality of life of its population. The pillars of these changes concern the variety of raw materials and minerals, appropriate terrain and hard work and dedication of thousands of its residents. Having in mind the future of the Copper Region it should be treated as the common good of all residents, institutions, organisations and companies operating in its area. Attention to its sustainable development for the good of the present and future generations is the highest priority for everyone.
- Głogów County acknowledges the importance of the social dialogue with all participants of social and business life for the development of the region – said the head of Głogów County, Mr. Rafael Rokaszewicz. – Głogów County strongly believes that building a platform for social dialogue should start with making joint commitments with the strongest business organisation and the largest employer on the region, i.e. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. undertakes to continue the following activities within the scope of the concluded Agreement:
1. Conducting activities in the area of health protection and promotion, including:
- conducting examinations of children and prevention-educational activities associated with the level of lead content in the blood;
- providing the residents of Głogów County with free medical consultations at the Health Promotion Outpatient Clinic in Głogów, in the case of suspecting adverse impact on health caused by the operation of the installations of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
2. Successive installation of sensors monitoring the seismic activity brought about by mining activity in the area of Głogów County covered by mining areas.
3. Conducting activities in the area of children and youth leisure, including the organisation and financing of “summer schools” and financing of swimming pool classes for children from the municipalities neighbouring with the installations of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
4. Supporting ecological projects organised in the area of the county, including the initiation of the long-term programme of liming the agricultural land.
5. Support at the Polish Copper Foundation for the applications of Głogów County and municipalities comprising Głogów County regarding the donations, the option of which is provided for in the Foundation’s charter, including:
- support and protection of cultural assets and tradition;
- public safety;
- dissemination of physical culture and sport;
- support for other tasks resulting from the contents of this agreement.
6. Cooperation in the area of science, vocational education and upbringing, including the possibility of adapting the skills and qualifications of the students through vocational apprenticeships and courses.
7. Cooperation aimed at economic and social development concerning the promotion of the area of Głogów County as an investor-friendly place.
8. Support for the development of Głogów hospital as a key medical rescue centre for this part of the region.
The Administration of Głogów County undertakes to continue the following activities within the scope of the concluded Agreement:
- Creation of conditions bringing social and environmental benefits for the sustainable development of the county.
- Participation in the investment processes executed in the area of Głogów County by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. through efficient execution of administrative procedures.
- Support for building a favourable social climate regarding the plans of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
- Support of county institutions and organisational units in respect to solving the administrative and social issues.
- Adaptation of vocational education, with financial support of KGHM Capital Group, in response to the personnel needs of the companies belonging to the Group.
The Agreement is open – everyone can join it, and it was concluded for the years 2013 – 2018 with the option of extending it.
Communications Department
KGHM Polska Miedź SA