TITLE | New chlorine-carboxylate complexes of rhenium(III) with alkylcarboxylate with high steric hindrance |
DESCRIPTION OF THE SOLUTION | A new chloride-carboxylate complex of rhenium(III) with an alkylcarboxylate with a large spatial hinge and small-molecule ligands with the general formula cis-[(Re2Cl4(CH3OH)(DMSO)(µ-O2CCH2tBu)2]CH3OH. Also the subject of the invention is a new chloride-carboxylate complex of rhenium(III) with alkylcarboxylate with a large spatial hinge and small-molecule ligands with the general formula cis-[Re2Cl4(DMSO)2(µ-O2CCHEt2)2]. The subject of the invention is also a new chloride-carboxylate complex of rhenium(III) with alkylcarboxylate with a large spatial hare with the general formula trans-[Re2Cl2(µ-Cl2)(µ-O2CCH2tBu)2]n. Also the subject of the invention is a new chloride-carboxylate complex of rhenium(III) with an alkylcarboxylate with a large spatial hare with the general formula trans-[Re2Cl4(µ-O2CCHEt2)2]. |
BENEFITS OF THE SOLUTION | Possibility of obtaining parts that are lighter and cheaper than solid element with the desired properties (by depositing thin rhenium covers, on carbon material or other substrates) |
AREA OF APPLICATION | Electronics, electrical engineering, process engineering |
LINK TO THE OFFICE DATABASE | https://ewyszukiwarka.pue.uprp.gov.pl/search/pwp-details/P.442616 |