TITLE | Method and device for assessing the seating of anchors, in particular binding anchors |
DESCRIPTION OF THE SOLUTION | The invention discloses a method and apparatus for assessing the seating condition of anchors, in particular binder anchors used in mining. Operation is controlled by a programmable controller and wired communication elements, using special software. The method described in the description of the invention, with reference to the state of the art, minimises the number of steps to assess the state of seating the anchor, while ensuring that the actual seating of the anchor in the rock mass is correctly assessed. |
BENEFITS OF THE SOLUTION | Increase in occupational safety Simplified and shortened information flow path (measurements to assess the state of the anchors' seating are more precise than state-of-the-art solutions) Can be used in the difficult conditions of underground mine workings (due to hermetic and robust casing) |
AREA OF APPLICATION | Mining (anchor lining) |
LINK TO THE OFFICE DATABASE | https://ewyszukiwarka.pue.uprp.gov.pl/search/pwp-details/P.427285?lng=pl |
Patent description PL – Method and device for assessing the seating of anchors, in particular binding anchors