Correction of regulatory filing no. 33/2016

Report number

The Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. announces that there was a typographical error in regulatory filing no. 33/2016 dated 28 October 2016 with respect to the date the resignation was submitted – the incorrect date: „28 September 2016”, should be replaced by: „28 October 2016”.

Following is the corrected text of the report:

“The Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. announces that on 28 October 2016, at 12.20 PM, Dominik Hunek submitted his resignation from the delegation to temporarily carry out the duties of a member of the Management Board – the Vice President of the Management Board of the Company (Development), and resumed his duties in the Supervisory Board as part of his functions as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.” 

Legal basis: § 5 sec. 1 point 21 of the Decree of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 regarding current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state (unified text: Journal of Laws 2014.133).