Aleksander Cieśliński

(Member of the Supervisory Board)

Legal counsel with over 20 years of experience in developing legal and expert opinions in the area of EU law and international protection of human rights for entities in the public and private sectors, international law, as well as experience in participating in proceedings before the European Court 
of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Moreover, he engaged in economic activity related to international trade and has experience in trade negotiations with foreign entities.

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Wrocław University. He received recognition by the Council of the aforementioned Faculty for his doctorate in international law. He is a professor in the International and European Law Department of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of Wrocław University. He conducts seminars and lectures on full-time and postgraduate studies, as well as English speaking studies such as LMM (Large Language Model).

He has many years of experience in lecturing and teaching, among others for legal trainees, legal advisors and judges. He was a lecturer in the Department of Economic Law of Wroclaw University of Economics, in the Copper Basin Vocational University in Lubin and in the Higher School of Trade in Wrocław. He is the author and co-author of many academic publications and scientific publications, among others in the area of EU and economic law, including “System prawa UE” (European Union law system) and “Komentarz do Traktatu o Unii Europejskiej” (Commentary to the Treaty on European Union).