Gestión corporativa


El marco de la gestión corporativa de KGHM se rige por las disposiciones de la legislación polaca, por los Estatutos de la Sociedad y por la Normativa de la Bolsa de Varsovia, en que cotiza la Sociedad. El Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad está muy comprometido con las buenas prácticas de la gestión corporativa y, durante los últimos años, ha desarrollado una eficaz herramienta de organización de la gestión corporativa de KGHM, cuidando simultáneamente que los intereses a largo plazo de los Accionistas y de la Sociedad coincidan.

general-meeting supervisory-board management-board supervisory-board-committees audit-committee remuneration-committee strategy-committee governance-inactive

General Meeting


The General Meeting of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. is the company’s highest body, and presents an opportunity to provide a summary business presentation, to inform shareholders of recent developments and to give them the opportunity to ask questions.

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GM Bylaws

Supervisory Board


The Supervisory Board meets at least once per quarter and is responsible for the appointment and remuneration of the Management Board, the selection of the company’s independent auditors and the supervision of company business. As part of this process, it examines the company’s strategic plans and annual budget and monitors the company’s operating and financial performance.

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Company authorities


Tadeusz Kocowski Presidente del Consejo de Supervisión

Aleksander Cieśliński Vicepresidente del Consejo de Supervisión

Bogusław Szarek Secretario del Consejo de Supervisión

Józef Czyczerski

Przemysław Darowski

Zbysław Dobrowolski

Dominik Januszewski

Marian Noga

Piotr Prugar

Joanna Zakrzewska

Management Board


KGHM’s Management Board is statutorily required to meet at least once every month. In practice however, these meetings are usually held once a week. During these meetings, the Management Board discusses, among others, issues related to Company strategy, matters related to risk management, the financial and operational performance of the Company and any other strategic issues concerning the company and its operations.

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Company authorities


Andrzej SzydłoPresidente de la Junta Directiva

Piotr KrzyżewskiVicepresidente de la Junta Directiva de Financiero

Iga Dorota Lis Vicepresidenta de la Junta Directiva de Activos Extranjeros 

Mirosław LaskowskiVicepresidente de la Junta Directiva de Producción

Zbigniew BryjaVicepresidente de la Junta Directiva de Desarrollo

Piotr StryczekVicepresidente de la Junta Directiva de Asuntos Corporativos

Supervisory Board Committees


Assist the Supervisory Board in preparing assessments and opinions as well as other actions to support the Supervisory Board’s decision-making process.

Audit Committee


Responsible for supervision in the areas of financial reporting, the internal control system, risk management and internal and external audits.


 Zbysław DobrowolskiChairman

 Aleksander Cieśliński

 Przemysław Darowski

 Dominik Januszewski

 Tadeusz Kocowski

 Marian Noga

 Piotr Prugar

 Bogusław Szarek

 Joanna Zakrzewska

Remuneration Committee


Responsible for supervising the realisation of contracts signed with the Management Board, the remuneration system and benefits paid out in the company and Group, training and other benefits provided by the company, as well as audits performed by the Supervisory Board in this regard.


 Tadeusz KocowskiChairman


 Aleksander Cieśliński

 Józef Czyczerski 

 Zbysław Dobrowolski

 Marian Noga

 Bogusław Szarek

Strategy Committee


Supervises the realisation of company strategy, the company's annual and long-term operating plans, supervising the coherence of these documents, and also provides its opinion to the Supervisory Board on the strategic projects presented by the Management Board of the company and any changes thereto, as well as on the company's annual and long-term operating plans.

Marian Noga Chairman


 Aleksander Cieśliński

 Józef Czyczerski 

 Przemysław Darowski

 Zbysław Dobrowolski

 Dominik Januszewski

 Tadeusz Kocowski

 Piotr Prugar 

 Bogusław Szarek